Transcoding with AWS
import BlogPostImage from “~components/BlogPostImage.astro”;
Nowadays moving everything to the cloud becomes more and more popular. A lot of software companies move their technology stack to such infrastructure. One of the biggest players in this field is Amazon Web Services - AWS. That’s why I decided decided to adapt existing code from my previous project and move transcoding to write blog posts about that. In this series I process to cloud.
Overview of series
I decided to adapt code from my previous blog series about celery and rabbit-mq. I did that because code from this django application actually transcodes mp3 files to other formats. This series will be divided into these parts:
- Moving static and media files to AWS
- Transcoding files inside AWS transcoder
- Notifying user that transcode is complete
- User downloads transcoded file
Moving static and media files to AWS
AWS transcoder operates only on files that are inside S3 bucket so first I need to change how these files are served in django.
Let’s say that I already had my account on AWS. Next step is to generate specific account using IAM. While creating a user I want to give him access to AWS S3:
and after I download its credentials I can create S3 container - I have chosen Ireland because with Frankfurt I have a problem with uploading files to S3. After bucket creation, it’s time to add policy. The policy is JSON that tells AWS which user can access given bucket. More information about that can be found here. Adding policy is quite simple from S3 management view:
This policy looks like this:
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadForGetBucketObjects",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "AWS_RESOURCE"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": ["AWS_RESOURCE"]
is your IAM user in format of ARN
As I have this set up right now I can make changes in the application itself. To use S3 as a static and media files container I used django-storages. To make django-storages to work I have to add couple things in
import environ
env = environ.Env()
# other applicaitons
'Expires': 'Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT',
'Cache-Control': 'max-age=86400',
AWS_S3_HOST = ''
I’m using here another package called
django-environ. It allows me
to get certain settings from environmental variables. I’m setting them
in my virtualenvwrapper script inside $ENV_PATH/bin/postactivate
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='key'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='acces_id'
The last line with AWS_S3_HOST
is really important here as boto -
client that django-storages use underneath to connect to AWS doesn’t
have default region set up. If this is not specified I upload files with
redirection which don’t allow to transfer static files or upload any
large media file.
As I have AWS settings set up there is time to change static files settings in
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'audio_transcoder.storages.StaticStorage'
os.path.join(BASE_DIR.root, 'static'),
I add custom StaticStorage
as I want my static files to be under
static in S3 bucket:
from django.conf import settings
from storages.backends.s3boto import S3BotoStorage
class StaticStorage(S3BotoStorage):
location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION
To upload my static files I run python collectstatic
After a while I can see that my files are in a bucket:
Right now when I run my server I can see the location of my static files:
As static files are working it’s high time to use AWS for media files. Right now it’s simple - in settings I add:
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'audio_transcoder.storages.MediaStorage'
with custom storage:
class MediaStorage(S3BotoStorage):
location = settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION
Now when I upload my mp3 file it’s sent directly to S3 bucket under media location:
As I have static and media files integrated with AWS now it’s time to transcode them. In this post, I will write a short example of how to integrate AWS ElasticTranscoder with Django application.
Basic terms
ElasticTranscoder allows you to transcode files from your S3 bucket to various formats. To set this service up first you have to create a pipeline. What pipeline is? It’s a workflow- how your transcoder should work. You can create a different pipeline for long content and different for short one. In my application I created the following pipeline:
As I have my pipeline configured next step is to create jobs. Jobs are tasks for a transcoder that say which file I want to transcode, to what format or codec I want to do this:
PresetID is user created or already existing configuration that defines the format of transcoder output: is it mp4 or maybe flac? What resolution should video files have? All of this is set up in present.
As we know basic terms used in AWS Elastic Transcoder let’s jump into the code.
AWS has very good python API called boto3. Using that API and few examples from the internet I was able to create a simple class to create transcode job:
import os
from django.conf import settings
import boto3
class AudioTranscoder(object):
def __init__(self, region_name='eu-west-1', pipeline_name='Audio Files'):
self.region_name = region_name
self.pipeline_name = pipeline_name
self.transcoder = boto3.client('elastictranscoder', self.region_name)
self.pipeline_id = self.get_pipeline()
def get_pipeline(self):
paginator = self.transcoder.get_paginator('list_pipelines')
for page in paginator.paginate():
for pipeline in page['Pipelines']:
if pipeline['Name'] == self.pipeline_name:
return pipeline['Id']
def start_transcode(self, filename):
base_filename, _ = self.create_aws_filename(filename, '')
wav_aws_filename, wav_filename = self.create_aws_filename(
filename, extension='.wav'
flac_aws_filename, flac_filename = self.create_aws_filename(
filename, extension='.flac'
mp4_aws_filename, mp4_filename = self.create_aws_filename(
filename, extension='.mp4'
'Key': base_filename,
'FrameRate': 'auto',
'Resolution': 'auto',
'AspectRatio': 'auto',
'Interlaced': 'auto',
'Container': 'auto'
'Key': wav_aws_filename,
'PresetId': '1351620000001-300300'
}, {
'Key': flac_aws_filename,
'PresetId': '1351620000001-300110'
}, {
'Key': mp4_aws_filename,
'PresetId': '1351620000001-100110'
return (wav_filename, flac_filename, mp4_filename)
def create_aws_filename(filename, extension):
aws_filename = os.path.join(
settings.MEDIAFILES_LOCATION, filename + extension
return aws_filename, os.path.basename(aws_filename)
transcoder = AudioTranscoder()
Going from the top - I specified my region_name
as well as
for boto3 to know to which region it should connect. In
method get_pipeline
I iterate through all available pipelines and
return that has the same name as pipeline_name
. In this function
is an object which holds on portion of data so user don’t
have to wait until all available pipelines are fetched.
The main logic is in start_transcode
method. At the beginning, I used
helper function create_aws_filename
that’s creating proper AWS file
name like media/my_mp3.mp3
and returns that whole path with filename.
After I created filenames for all of my files I’m calling create_job
that creates a job basing on pipeline_id
and base_filename
. The job
can have multiple outputs so I specified one for wav, flac and mp4
files. How is it used in code? Let’s go to view:
class UploadAudioFileView(FormView):
# some code
def form_valid(self, form):
audio_file = AudioFile(
wav_filename, flac_filename, mp4_filename = transcoder.start_transcode(
audio_file.mp4_file = mp4_filename
audio_file.flac_file = flac_filename
audio_file.wav_file = wav_filename
return HttpResponseRedirect(
reverse('audio:detail', kwargs={'pk':})
In form_valid
first I’m calling save()
on AudioFile
object which
is uploading the file to S3 bucket. Then I’m using
and basing on output from this function I
match filenames to their respective fields. I know that this solution is
not the best one as I have to call save
twice and if you have a better
way to do this I’m glad to hear it from you.
I’ve ran transcoder from django application using AWS python API. But there is also one more way to do the same - use AWS Lambda. Today I will write how to use this tool to trigger transcoding of uploaded files.
What is AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda
is a service that allows you to run code against some event. What event
may you say? For instance uploading a file to S3 bucket. In my example,
I use this service to start transcode jobs. User upload file to
and then instead of firing up event from django
application I trigger AWS Lambda function that does the same job.
Right now it’s time to jump into the code.
Setting up AWS Lambda for transcoder
When you want to create an AWS Lambda functions you can use a couple of
predefined functions a.k.a blueprints. As a base, I used one called:
. As you chosen your function now it’s time to add
trigger so the function can run.
And AWS Lambda function is created! But by default, it only gets content type of the object that is put in the S3 bucket. If I want to start to transcode job I can use following code:
import os
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
transcoder = boto3.client('elastictranscoder', 'eu-west-1')
pipeline_id = get_pipeline(transcoder, 'Audio Files')
base_filename = os.path.basename(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'])
output = transcoder.create_job(
'Key': create_aws_filename('media', base_filename, ''),
'FrameRate': 'auto',
'Resolution': 'auto',
'AspectRatio': 'auto',
'Interlaced': 'auto',
'Container' : 'auto'
'Key': create_aws_filename('transcoded', base_filename, '.wav'),
'PresetId': '1351620000001-300300'
}, {
'Key': create_aws_filename('transcoded', base_filename, '.flac'),
'PresetId': '1351620000001-300110'
}, {
'Key': create_aws_filename('transcoded', base_filename, '.mp4'),
'PresetId': '1351620000001-100110'
return output
def get_pipeline(transcoder, pipeline_name):
paginator = transcoder.get_paginator('list_pipelines')
for page in paginator.paginate():
for pipeline in page['Pipelines']:
if pipeline['Name'] == pipeline_name:
return pipeline['Id']
def create_aws_filename(folder, filename, extension):
aws_filename = os.path.join(
folder, filename + extension
return aws_filename
It’s code from my previous posts but modified in a few places so it can
work in AWS Lambda. In this service, you can use python 2.7. The main
function is called lambda_handler
and takes an event from S3 in form
of JSON and context which is python object. As you can see creating
and pipeline_id
are the same as previously.
is taken from event JSON. Then I create transcode job
and return its output.
As you may noticed I specified a different folder for outputs than for
inputs. Why? Because this function has trigger for put in media
. Then
it starts transcoder jobs that are creating files on S3 bucket. If I
specified the same location for output I can start recursion and AWS
Lambda start triggering itself. It’s not a good idea and doesn’t try
this at home unless you have a lot of money. That’s why it is so
important to test your code before you run it. It’s possible - while
saving your code you can add the event to test so your AWS Lambda the
function will run against this test event:
"Records": [
"eventVersion": "2.0",
"eventTime": "2016-12-15T21:20:44.231Z",
"requestParameters": {
"sourceIPAddress": "IP_ADDRESS"
"s3": {
"configurationId": "configurationId",
"object": {
"eTag": "eTag",
"sequencer": "sequencer",
"key": "media/5981d6e9-8e88-44a9-bd7b-f8dce886877b",
"size": 571258
"bucket": {
"arn": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_BUCKET_NAME",
"ownerIdentity": {
"principalId": "YOUR_BUCKET_ID"
"s3SchemaVersion": "1.0"
"responseElements": {
"x-amz-id-2": "x-amz-id-2",
"x-amz-request-id": "x-amz-request-id"
"awsRegion": "eu-west-1",
"eventName": "ObjectCreated:Put",
"userIdentity": {
"principalId": "AWS:USER_ID"
"eventSource": "aws:s3"
Right now clicking test you can know if your function is behaving correctly:
That’s all! Your function is working and creating transcode jobs. This is another way of accomplishing the same result -transcoding the files uploaded from Django.
As I have my transcoder up and running now it’s time to let user know that their uploaded files were transcoded. To this occasion I will use AWS SNS service which allows me to send notification about completion of transcode job.
Setting up AWS SNS to work with AWS Transcoder
After logging to AWS console and selecting SNS I have to create a topic:
Topic is endpoint for other application in AWS to send their notifications. For my case I have to change it in AWS Transcoder pipeline settings:
Last thing I have to do was to create subscription for topic created above. They are a lot of types of subscription that you can find in SNS settings but I will be using HTTP request.
Receiving notifications from SNS service in Django
The flow of application will look like this:
- User upload a file
- File is sent to S3
- Transcode job is fired after uploading form view
- After transcode completion AWS transcoder sends SNS notification
- This notification is taken by SNS subscription and send to my endpoint
- After validating notification endpoint inform user that his or her files are transcoded
To receive HTTP notifications I have to create a endpoint in my Django
application. First I add url in audio_transcoder/
Code for this endpoint looks as follows (audio_transcoder/
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from .utlis import convert_sns_str_to_json
from django.http import (
def transcode_complete(request):
if request.method != 'POST':
return HttpResponseNotAllowed(request.method)
if request.META['HTTP_X_AMZ_SNS_TOPIC_ARN'] != settings.SNS_TOPIC_ARN:
return HttpResponseForbidden('Not vaild SNS topic ARN')
json_body = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'), object_hook=convert_sns_str_to_json)
if json_body['Message']['state'] == 'COMPLETED':
# do something
return HttpResponse('OK')
What is happening there? The first 2 ifs in transcode_complete
are for
checking if user sends POST request and as a SNS
says I have to make sure that message received are valid as everyone can
send request to this endpoint.
In line with json_body
I have to use helper that I pass to
import json
def convert_sns_str_to_json(obj):
value = obj.get('Message')
if value and isinstance(value, str):
obj['Message'] = json.loads(value)
return obj
This small function is for converting nested strings received from SNS
to python dicts. I know that every notification will have Message
so based on that I can load string and convert it to python dictionary.
The last if
will be completed in next blog post.
Right now I have my endpoint up and running. But there is a problem - Amazon SNS needs to have access to that endpoint and I’m developing this application on my localhost. How to overcome such issue? I used ngrok which allows me to tunnel to my localhost from internet. How to use it? After downloading and unpacking you first run:
$ python transcoder/ runserver
And in other window:
$ ./ngrok http 9000
Ngrok will start and you can use url shown in console - for me:
With this url I go to AWS SNS subscription tab and add new subscription:
After setting this up you will receive SNS message with link that you need to paste in browser to confirm subscription.
How message application should work
From previous I know that the last point of my application flow is to inform user that file is transcoded and ready to download. To do such thing I have to display message on every webpage that current user is. This message should have information about which file was processed. First I wanted to do this with existing django messaging framework but as it turns out is works only with request. As I decided to show message for different users as long as they dismiss this information I had to write my own small application.
Implementation in django
In my newly created application I created following model:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class Message(models.Model):
text = models.CharField(max_length=250)
read = models.BooleanField(default=False)
def __str__(self):
return self.text
I decided to display my message only when it wasn’t read. Based on that
right now I can use it in endpoint that works with AWS
def transcode_complete(request):
# rest of code is in previous blog post
if json_body['Message']['state'] == 'COMPLETED':
audio_file = AudioFile.objects.get(
text='Your file {} has been processed'.format(
return HttpResponse('OK')
As my message is created right now comes time for displaying it to the user. To do that I have to add a message to template context. It can be done via creating your own context manager:
from .models import Message
def message_context_processor(request):
if request.user.is_anonymous():
return {'messages': []}
return {'messages': Message.objects.filter(read=False)}
And registering it:
# rest of options
'context_processors': [
# rest of context processors
And adding a message as django template tag:
{% if messages %} {% for message in messages %}
class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible"
data-message-id="{{ }}"
data-message-url="{% url 'messages:read-message' %}"
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">x</span>
{{ message.text }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
Which renders as follows:
In the previous screenshot, there is an X that dismiss the message and make it read. To communicate with the backend I wrote quick jQuery script:
var csrftoken = Cookies.get("csrftoken");
function csrfSafeMethod(method) {
// these HTTP methods do not require CSRF protection
return /^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method);
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
if (!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken);
$(".alert").on("", function (event) {
method: "POST",
data: { message_id: },
Going from the top - django by default uses csrftoken so I have to get
it that my request passes the authentication. I’m using here library
called js-cookie. In
I tell jQuery to always send csrftokens while using ajax
request. Below I add the event listener to an element that has .alert
class. This event -
is provided by bootstrap. On
triggering this event I send ajax POST to url from data attribute in
alert element -data-message-url
. Data that I send is taken from
attribute on alerts div. How endpoint for receiving
such messages looks like? See below:
from .models import Message
from django.http import HttpResponse
def read_message(request):
message = Message.objects.get(id=request.POST['message_id']) = True
return HttpResponse('OK')
Here I take message_id
and set read to True and save message.
That’s all for this blog post and blog series! I know that in this design are particular flaws like: what is there will be more users than one? Everybody will see everyone messages. If you have idea how to fix that please write in comments below.
The code that I have made so far is available on github. Stay tuned for next blog post from this series.