Interesting links that I found - vol.3
Design for Developers on Fronted Masters. This course by Sarah Drasner blew my mind. I’m still in progress but every video that I watch has something interesting and awesome to show or explain.
The experimental layout lab of Jen Simmons. I’ve got this link from previously motioned course. Really nice resource to see how you can use a CSS to create a wonderful layout. Also, the code is really clean.
Table magic. Really nice multi-format table generator / converter. For example, you can convert CSV to a markdown table.
React debugging session. Nice write about debugging but I like this advice:
Note: Using the || operator to add a log statement to a function prop is a great way to get around adding curly brackets.
react-window-communication-hook. NPM package for communication between iframe or browser tabs/windows.
Tech choices I Regret at Spectrum. It is nice to see what I can learn from others and how decisions of architecture can impact product that you are building.
CSS Viewport Units. Really interesting article about viewport units and why you may need them.
- Identifying properties and streets in government data. A nice blog post about identifying addresses in the UK.