UX/UI Space Wrocław vol.8
Last week joined the UX/UI Space Wrocław #8 meetup. Below you can find my humble opinion about this event.
Before meeting
I have to say I’m amazed by how many people want to come to this meetup! The meetup is traveling from place to place every month so a number of participants can vary. This month it was 70. Guess how fast those places went? 1 minute. Yes - you read it well: 1 minute. Good dammit I want the same at Wrocław TypeScript. I have to ask them how they are doing it.
This time venue was at Wrocław intive office. It was nice - they even won some awards for this place. Anyway, let’s go back to the talks.
There were 3 talks with small community announcements at the end.
The first talk by Dominik Piłat was about receiving & giving feedback for your work. It was talk with a lot of memes and common knowledge. If someone wants and needs to work on giving/receiving feedback I recommend WrocLove Speakers. Heads up - I a was member of that club and I totally recommend it!
The second talk by Dorota Pęczek was really interesting. We dive into many different methodologies of working with clients. I really like this talk because for me it was UX/UI work from the kitchen. Most of the methods like A/B user testing or user personas resonate with me as I think to make better decisions in user-facing code we need to know the users.
The only thing I would improve is the volume of information - it was a huge piece of data to comprehend in such a short presentation. Talking more deeply about a few selected topics may yell better results. All in all great talk!
The last talk by Magdalena Grudzień was about tools used in design process. Nice talk - I learn about Zeplin or Abstract.
Summary & TL;DR
I attended UX/UI Space Wrocław #8 meetup and I can recommend it to anyone. I learned quite a lot about the work of designers and I will come next time! They even have 2 Sketch licenses to win at every meeting 🎉.