Migrating Next.js plugins from next-compose-plugins

I recently updated Next.js to version 12.2.3 and I found out that next-compose-plugins do not work anymore. After peek at GitHub issue and I was able to copy and paste working solution:

 * @type {import('next').NextConfig}
module.exports = () => {
  const plugins = [withTM, withVanillaExtract, withSentryConfig];
  return plugins.reduce((acc, next) => next(acc), {
    i18n: {
      locales: ["en-US", "nl-BE", "pl-PL"],
      defaultLocale: "en-US",

It worked fine but I wanted to pass argument to withSentryConfig - i turns out that I need to pass it as another argument to next function in reduce:

return plugins.reduce(
  (acc, next) => {
    if (next.name === "withSentryConfig") {
      return next(acc, { silent: true });

    return next(acc);
    // the rest of next.js config


  1. Update the last snippet after feedback from Miguel Leite